Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yeah! On the road again!!

Time to re-start the Jay's Day's travelblog! Left Tolono yesterday in freezing fog and low visibility. By the time I hit southern Illinois it was sunny and warm-er. The fog kicked in again through the Missouri bootheel (nothin' there to see but empty cotton fields anyway) and it had been dark for a while by the time I went through Memphis. I was supposed to camp at John Kyle St. Pk. in Mississippi but once I got there it became apparent that they are severely "campground sign challenged". I found one sign pointing the way to the campground which turned out to be a very soggy parking lot and continued down the road for an agonizing 20 mile, dark, dodge the deer, 30 MPH trek through the hills (bet it's nice in daylight) until I got to a highway that took me back to the interstate. Went on to Cossar St. Pk. and found a very nice campground in tall pines next to a lake. The campground was full of deer- I counted over 50 on my way out this morning! Have seen some interesting signs along the road today "Chatauqua Park: Art Studio and Tomato Museum" was nearly topped by "Miss Deliquent Correctional Facility" (that's got to be one hell of a beauty pageant!!) or "Miss Troop A" (mascot?). Anyway, McDonald's across the street is providing the wifi and the temp outside is 67 so I'm good. Tonight I'll be at Grand Isle St. Pk. in Louisiana- about 70 miles south of New Orleans. A couple days there to explore then it's on to the Big Easy.
UPDATE: I'm way out in the gulf fogged in in a campground where I can hear the ocean but not see it. They are finally rebuilding the beach after Katrina so it is closed! They are using massive, noisy, heavy earth movers 24/7 until they get it done next month. Good part: My new wifi rig is giving me an outstanding internet connection. Looks like I'll be doing a lot of biking tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Happy travels!
    If you are going to the Big Easy and plan to eat at any restaurants around the FQ, I wanted to let you know that took field notes at the restaurants I ate at back in November. Let me know, I can send.
